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Amber Sterling

158 Products
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  • Amber Sterling
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  • 9x18

Creating art has always been at the center of Amber Sterling’s life since her early teens. Her passion for art has lead to a fulfilling career bringing joy to herself and the numerous people that delight in her creations.

Her unique ability to create art in a wide rage of styles allows her to adapt to a variety of genres including abstracts, florals, landscapes, seascapes, still life and more, capturing the essence of her talent and vision in each and every piece.

Over the years, Amber has worked closely with interior designers in the hospitality and health care industries creating custom art for clients.

The beauty found in everyday life and travels inspires her work through mixed media allowing her to change her styles, keeping her art fresh and modern, accommodating current trends that influence home décor.


AS161 - Floral Waters - 18x12

Amber Sterling

AS161 - Floral Waters - 18x12Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100#...
AS162 - Modern Seascape I - 18x12

Amber Sterling

AS162 - Modern Seascape I - 18x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales...
AS164 - Hazy Day - 16x12

Amber Sterling

AS164 - Hazy Day - 16x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales representative...
AS213 - Conflicting Space I - 12x16

Amber Sterling

AS213 - Conflicting Space I - 12x16Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
AS214 - Conflicting Space II - 12x16

Amber Sterling

AS214 - Conflicting Space II - 12x16Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
AS216 - Opposites Attract II - 12x16

Amber Sterling

AS216 - Opposites Attract II - 12x16Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
AS248 - Peaceful and Calm -  12x12

Amber Sterling

AS248 - Peaceful and Calm - 12x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales...
AS249 - Peace and Prosperity - 12x16

Amber Sterling

AS249 - Peace and Prosperity - 12x16Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales...
AS250 - Graceful Elephant - 16x12

Amber Sterling

AS250 - Graceful Elephant - 16x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales representative...
AS316 - Rural America - 16x12

Amber Sterling

AS316 - Rural America - 16x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales representative...
AS317 - Flower Field Quilt Barn I - 16x12

Amber Sterling

AS317 - Flower Field Quilt Barn I - 16x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact...
AS318 - Flower Field Quilt Barn II - 12x12

Amber Sterling

AS318 - Flower Field Quilt Barn II - 12x12Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers...
AS319 - Farmstead - 16x12

Amber Sterling

AS319 - Farmstead - 16x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales representative at...
AS320 - This Old Barn - 18x12

Amber Sterling

AS320 - This Old Barn - 18x12Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
AS321 - Quaker Hill Barn - 16x12

Amber Sterling

AS321 - Quaker Hill Barn - 16x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales...
AS322 - Gray Day Barn - 16x12

Amber Sterling

AS322 - Gray Day Barn - 16x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales...
AS323 - Knotted Wood Farm - 18x12

Amber Sterling

AS323 - Knotted Wood Farm - 18x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales...
AS339 - Sunset Cove Cottage    - 18x12

Amber Sterling

AS339 - Sunset Cove Cottage - 18x12Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales...
AS340 - Sandy Shores Hideaway   - 12x12

Amber Sterling

AS340 - Sandy Shores Hideaway - 12x12Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
AS347 - Freeform Chaos I - 12x16

Amber Sterling

AS347 - Freeform Chaos I - 12x16Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
AS348 - Freeform Chaos II - 12x16

Amber Sterling

AS348 - Freeform Chaos II - 12x16Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
AS349 - Freeform Chaos III - 12x16

Amber Sterling

AS349 - Freeform Chaos III - 12x16Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
AS350 - Freeform Chaos IV - 12x16

Amber Sterling

AS350 - Freeform Chaos IV - 12x16Amber SterlingThis image is only available on a Print on Demand (P.O.D) basis. P.O.D. images require a minimum order of only 10 prints per image for sizes starting at 11x14 up to size 12x24. P.O.D. Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss...
AS351 - Interwoven - 12x16

Amber Sterling

AS351 - Interwoven - 12x16Amber SterlingIn Stock Prints are printed on high quality printers using semi-gloss 100# stock. All of the artwork you see on our website is also available on Canvas and Wood Products. Select images are also available as Large Format Giclee Prints. Contact a sales representative at...

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